How to use the card catalogues
In-house card catalogues
Materials not in our online catalogue can be found using our remaining card catalogues:
Library card catalogues
Post-1910 authors (monographs)
Subject (monographs/periodical articles)
Periodicals titles
Corporate authors
Map card catalogue
Holds post-1940 items
Archive and picture catalogues
Mostly online
For Antarctic expeditions and Everest pictures, please consult Collections staff
Author catalogues are organised alphabetically.
Corporate author catalogue entries are created when there is no obvious individual author; entries could be the name of a project, expedition or organisation or occasionally a country name.
Subject/map catalogues are geographical by continent, then country.
Subject catalogue divides each country into subfields, for example ‘geology’.
Maps are subdivided:
General, ‘Gen.’ or ‘G.’
Division or ‘Div.’
District, ‘Dist.’ or ‘D.’
Special, ‘Spec.’ or ‘S.’
On registration, you will be provided with a general request form.
The fields required are:
Control number (only available on online records; write ‘card cat’ here)
Class number
Title (include periodical title/volume/issue/pages here when requesting an article)
Publication date/edition
Please complete all requested fields.
Subject catalogue cards do not include the class number. You must check the main author/periodical title catalogue entries for the class number.
For map class numbers, please state the country, then the map type and number, for example 'Map type G, number U.S.A. G.45'.